When I look back at my weight loss, and my current healthy way of living, I see that what I ate was much less important than what was going on in my head.

I was a fat thinker.

It didn’t matter if I wanted to lose weight; I was never going to succeed until I changed thinking fat into thinking thin.

One of the things I did was examine the equations in my head from a different perspective, and bust them if they led to overeating, destructive attitudes, or feeling bad about myself.

Here are some examples:


See “Unwanted” Number on Scale = EAT

Don’t Like What You See in the Mirror = EAT A LOT

Feel Difficult Feelings = EAT

Reward = EAT Food

Not Getting What I Want = EAT

Feeling Empty, UnfulFILLED = EAT until overFILLED

Vacation = EAT LIKE MAD

Birthdays, Celebrations (of anything) = EAT LIKE CRAZY!

The first one is key. I often hear my clients say they throw away their weight loss success, based on the number on the scale. This can happen daily, day after day, for years. After a while, it’s a mechanical, automatic response and the scale becomes a binge eating trigger.

If you really understand how the body works, you know the number of the scale doesn’t mean everything – in many situations it doesn’t mean ANYTHING! (If you’ve gotten most of your information about how the body works from dieting, fitness trainers and the internet, take my upcoming teleseminar “The Hard Cold Truth About Permanent Weight Loss – How I learned to stop fighting & love weight loss.” and arm yourself with powerful knowledge.)

Already a painful assumption (that you’ve gained bodyfat when it may not be true), it leads to more pain as we overeat in reaction to that assumption.

Remember, a different equation:


Assumptions, especially when they lead to negative behavior, can have impact over and over. In time, that behavior becomes deeply engrained habit.

So, take a look. Examine the equations in your head. Haul them out of the cobwebs in your mind and write them down. The goal is to change eating behaviors, which eliminates the need for destructive diets and frees you from the feeling of deprivation and restriction. That’s a lifestyle change that’s easy to keep around until you’ve achieved permanent weight loss.

Which ones can you discard?

Which ones are untrue?

Which ones HELP you?

Which ones make your life HARDER?

Which one will you change NOW?

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