As the 21st Olympics enthrall the world, I find myself once again amazed by the grace, beauty and achievement of the world’s finest athletes.

This year, perhaps because I’m a bit more reflective about life these days, the games have reminded me of all the Olympics I’ve watched through the years. Beyond the athletic achievement, competition and “overcoming the odds” stories guarantee drama.


One of the reasons I think the games appeal to us is that we live cathartically through them. After all, most of us will never achieve a triple axle jump, even without the ice skates. I know I hesitate to jump off a fence, much less a mountain on skis. And I bet I can’t find one of my dear readers rushing out to luge down a frozen tube at 90 mph!

But, there is not one of us who can’t be an Olympian when it comes to permanent weight loss. I’m convinced of that. In order to compete on the world class stage, seek to develop these elements that Olympians master:

1. Devotion, dedication, commitment. Permanent weight loss requires long-term dedication. You must be so committed you never doubt your goal or your ability to achieve it.

2. Goal oriented. Know where you are going. Be as specific about your goal as you can.

3. Comfortable in body. As you manage the slow, definite progress towards permanent weight loss (which is fat loss only), you’ll get to know your body and grow comfortable with it. After all, it is your home, the only home you’ll ever live in.

4. Food is fuel. Athletes know how to fuel their bodies. Over time, they’ve learned what gives them energy and what doesn’t. They use food to fuel their lives and activity, not for other reasons.

5. Investment. To reach their goals, world class athletes invest in themselves by finding excellent coaching, support, training, education and equipment.

6. Willingness to do the work. Whatever it takes, Olympians are ready and willing. No moaning or groaning. No excuses. They recognize a narrow window of opportunity and seize it.

7. Ability to overcome obstacles. Never say no. Don’t stop. With no questions asked, do what is necessary.

8. Big picture vision. Olympians don’t play small. They don’t let anything get in the way of their biggest wishes and dreams in life. They program themselves to see the big picture and take every step necessary to get there.

Master these elements and you’ll grab the gold medal in permanent weight loss!


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