Nothing is better for a human being than change. It enlivens, awakens, empowers. It’s a breeding ground for staying positive. Change for my clients means weight loss, greater health, new or better relationships, enlivening careers, and better leadership of self and others.

No matter what brings them to me, there’s a deeper need. They all seek to feel better, about themselves and the world. We all seek positivity and pleasure in life, whether we are conscious of this or not. If we are unconscious of our basic need to feel good, we often subvert it into addictive behaviors – grabbing bits of pleasure from overeating, overspending, overdrinking, oversexing, or even watching too much TV (where we can laugh but stay disengaged from real life).

Finding a truly positive place and staying there, however, are two different things.

With positivity and pleasure being a natural need of all human beings, why doesn’t it ALWAYS stick around when we find it? It makes sense, once there’s a breakthrough to the positive side of life, to keep the feelings around.

If that happened, you’d see people everywhere like this:


Two things can happen to your positivity.

1. You can sabotage it.
2. Others can steal it from you.

Positivity (staying positive), like everything, is rooted in our energy.  Energy is life force, as powerful as a rushing river, and as deep as the ocean. It is both stable and automatic (think of your breath) AND capable of great speed.

Energy expands with attention. It expands when shared or given away.

Sounds good right?

Well, sometimes.

Look at our natural human tendency with energy: our natural impulse, when we feel badly, or experience negative events, is to share it like crazy. Get rid of it! Call friends, facebook it, dump on the spouse, vent to the boss… we naturally EXPAND our negative energy by trying to give it away.  (If you don’t want it, why do you think anyone else wants it?)

And, with positive energy and events, we HOARD! Believing in the scarcity of good stuff, we gather in our excitement, our achievement, our ecstasy, our affirmative expressions, and we hold onto it tightly.

Look around you.  Don’t we offer an ocean of negativity to the world and a thimble-full of our positivity?

This behavior is directly opposed to growing and staying in positivity, which is achieved by giving away the positive feelings readily, openly, with joy.

What to do with the negative energies that naturally show up?  Process and divert.

Note I said divert… don’t bury it… don’t eat/drink/medicate it… and certainly don’t deny it. Process it and deflect it by carefully releasing it outside of your energy field. (If you don’t know how to do this, consult a healer like myself.)

Try it. Notice what happens when you expand your positive energy and minimize the negative. Don’t let saboteurs, whether they are in human form or in your own mind, cause the opposite to happen.

Father Lifting Up Son

All of life flows to love.  What could be more positive?  Learning to cultivate and maintain your positivity is not just a key to balance and joy in life, it’s a sacred task that will keep you close to your Self.

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