It’s common knowledge being a couch potato is not healthy.

But, even if you exercise regularly, your job may be forcing you into couch potato condition and endangering your health.

Today’s computer, once merely convenient, is now essential to most jobs, and has absorbed a lot of other tasks that used to require running around on two feet:  scanning, printing, emailing, faxing, interoffice delivery….

Sitting now dominates our work days and the ramifications are approaching the danger zone, according to new research at Harvard University.

Yes, sitting is the new smoking.

Computer use has tied us to seated position, and many of us don’t move for hours. Even if you exercise regularly, but sit the rest of the day, you are described as a sedentary individual. The danger zone starts at sitting 8 hours a day.


What’s the effect of this phenomenon on our bodies? Research has linked excessive sitting to obesity, diabetes, some cancers, heart disease and higher death rates.

It’s not surprising when you think about what happens with extensive sitting – over 8 hours a day – to the key body systems:

1. Respiration – When we don’t move often, breathing slows and becomes more shallow. Oxygen flowing from lungs to blood to brain and muscles helps them work better. Cognitive levels actually fall when a body is dehydrated or low on oxygen. Low oxygen in the body has long been linked to cancer, which is why yoga and meditation practices can boost health.

2. Pulmonary – The heart pumps that valuable oxygen where it’s needed, but also distributes nutrition (energy) to the organs, muscles and brain. Nutrients are a good thing.

3. Muscular – Joints, muscles and connective tissue receive less hydration (water), nutrition and other vital fluids to smooth movement (spinal fluid in the hips, for instance) when we sit.

4. Neurological – The flow of spinal fluid through the neurological system – spine, nerves, cranial area – keeps it healthy and alert. Proper distribution or flow occurs with movement.

5. Metabolic – It makes sense the metabolism will plunge when the body is inactive. Muscle tissue can be cannibalized and less muscle means a lower base metabolic rate. A poor metabolism affects the body’s ability to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar and burn body fat.

6. Digestive – We don’t digest well when we don’t move. In fact, all the organs function better with regular movement, which causes internal pressure to facilitate detoxification.

7. Immune – The immune system, primarily made up of lymph, is only moved in two ways: very deep tissue massage and exercise. Enough said!

Sitting also encourages toxin build-up and is incredibly tiring, robbing us of energy and vitality.

It’s time to make changes to the world where sitting 8-10 hours a day is required. Corporations need mandatory breaks and onsite exercise classes and facilities.

For individuals wanting better health, the suggested remedy is to take a short stretch break or walk around the office for 2-3 minutes every half hour of sitting.

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