One year ago, I celebrated 10 years of sustained weight loss after losing 74 lbs. Even though permanent weight loss is measured at 5 years, and I had passed that milestone years before, I had not let the magnitude of what I had accomplished seep in.

When I set out to achieve permanent weight loss, I knew only 1% of people who lose more than 20 lbs. achieve it. Once I lost those 74 lbs. and started “the countdown”, I created a sort of tunnel vision.



Then, at a celebration last year, I was surprised at the emotion that hit me as I spoke to the group of well-wishers, friends and clients.

Claiming something is powerful. In order to claim it, we have to name it, define it, breathe life into it, declare it important, and admit its meaning to us. Doing that publicly adds a another layer of relevance.

I realize now I stayed so focused because I was afraid that claiming it, really taking it in, I’d somehow let up or my lack of constant attention would lead me back to old habits.

But an interesting thing happened. On March 13, 2011, I hit the 11-year mark. And, rather than anything old seeping back in, I’ve lost another 7-8 lbs.

But I have gained something too! This year brought me a tremendous feeling of peace. I realized I no longer fear regain. My memories of being fat are fading. Although I spent 20+ years fat, I know one day I’ll reach the point where most of life has been spent thin, not fat. I’ll look back and be able to say, “I spent a couple decades fat but moved on from that!” (That’s my new goal.)

Moving on = Learning new skills and meeting new challenges. Still growing. Still connecting to amazing people and amazing clients who are willing to step up in their lives. Finding more mindfulness every day. And even more peace.

I’m here to tell you fat can be just one phase of life instead of a forever struggle. I am grateful.

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