One of the many lessons I learned while losing over 70 lbs. is that my body isn’t (and never has) worked against my greater good.

Oh, it’s worked against the crazy fad diets I adopted. And it’s lowered my metabolism in response to each and every stringent eating plan I tried.

But it was trying to save me from myself and my destructive eating patterns.

Though I had 3 academic degrees and had completed countless other courses of study, I realized my body had greater wisdom than I did and, if it wasn’t so smart, I’d probably be dead from excessive dieting and yo-yo weight gains.

Our bodies love us and want us to be healthy.

The body isn’t fighting against us when it refuses to drop the pounds quickly. It’s protecting us.

Hunger pangs call for food because energy levels are low inside the body, where we can’t see.

Subtle signals say “stop eating” when the body can’t digest more. We ignore these signals because they differ from the amount on our plate, or it’s inconvenient, or because we have trouble letting our emotions flow. Sometimes, living a free and responsible life is too scary or we don’t believe we deserve it.

The body manufactures amazing amounts of fuel for us to do the things we love to do in life, as well as power massive amounts of ongoing internal growth, healing, balancing, regeneration and cleansing.

The body is a miracle. Its sole purpose is to sustain and nurture. Through it, we fulfill our destinies on earth. Through it, we love and find joy. Without it, nothing happens.

If you ever felt your body was your worst enemy, consider this question:

What if, once gained, your body could never lose that weight?

It’s only through the miracle of our energy management system that it can, indeed, release weight. Over time, without being pushed too hard, it will even release that weight without complaint, backfire or sabotage.

If you push it too hard, however, it will make you incredibly hungry, give you wild cravings, shut down the fat-burning process and protect its stored fat.

Why I loved losing weight through Body Driven Change:

1. I learned a new language listening to my body.

2. I discovered incredible divine intelligence right inside me. It knows what to eat and when, but also guides me in many other decisions in life.

3. It goes everywhere with me. With diets, I learned to fear the buffet table, a party, or a French restaurant. After connecting to your body and learning its unique language, I go ANYWHERE, unafraid – knowing and trusting I have the tools to feed myself in a healthy manner.

4. It’s simple and easy. I like easy!

Here are some tools for “Body-Driven Change!”

This blog was featured on “Prevention Not Prescriptions!” Find out more and share information for “Prevention Not Prescriptions” at The Kathleen Show here.

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