Steve Jobs’ Legacy and Diet Dogma

Millions of people around the world are mourning the death of Steve Jobs, the entrepreneur whose ability to think outside the box pioneered a radical revolution in personal computing.  Jobs’ company, Apple Inc., grew to iconic levels by inventing such devices as the iPod, iPhone and iPad.

All of Apple’s groundbreaking inventions gave us new ways to connect, learn, grow and relate.



A number of his quotes have been circulating.  I like this one:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by
dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise
of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the
courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you
truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

This sentence, in particular, stands out:


Weight Loss Derailers?

During an interview this week, I was asked a question that stopped me in my tracks.

“What derails you?”

It took me a couple minutes of thought before I could even get my head around this.  It felt a little familiar – like maybe I once knew what it was like, but it was a dim memory.

I’ve been losing weight a long time.  Like, if there’s an award for long-term change, I’m in line for it.  But what happens when you keep going is that some things that seemed like BIG CONCEPTS and HUGE AH-HAs become…


just life.

So I told the interviewer:


Addiction is a Disease; Wait! It’s Not!

A number of new sources are talking about the addiction paradigm this week.  For almost 100 years, alcoholism has been defined as a disease.  It took quite a while to get the condition out of the realm of a “moral failure” and into the realm of “medically defined disease.”

But is medicine doing anything to help cure addiction?  Or are they treating it as they treat most conditions:  by over-medicating?

I’ve long maintained that addiction is multi-faceted.  It really can’t be defined as simply a disease or any sort or moral issue.  It’s emotional.  And it’s deeply spiritual.

Medicine cannot touch that.


What I Found When I Lost Weight

It’s been a couple weeks since I posted a blog!  This is always a busy time of year as my son starts school, and I usually begin another enLIGHTen Your Life! mastermind course.

This year, I have two classes beginning at once!  Double fun!

It’s also an interesting time because my birthday falls in September too.  That, combined with telling my weight loss story to my new classes, has directed me to a more introspective perspective on my journey than usual.

Losing weight permanently opened up my whole world on so many levels.  I gained confidence.  I took risks I’d never taken before.  I began to chart my own destiny in terms of work, relationships, parenting, creativity.

I literally found myself under the layer of insulation I carried for over 20 years.

Perhaps it was my birthday, but I recently thought about what I found when I lost weight from the inside out.  What was hiding underneath all that fat?

This is what I found:









I believe this photo was taken on my first birthday because you’ll notice I’m standing by the ice cream churn!  My mother used to make homemade ice cream on our birthdays.

No doubt I am waiting for ice cream!  Maybe I’ve been churning and I’m taking a break.  But this is what I see: (more…)

Zapping your “Sticking Points”

Weight loss takes time.  I’m often asked to define the best loss rate.  My answer is:  “The best rate is what your body and mind will allow.  It will take as long as it takes YOU.”

There are natural restrictions on what your body will release in terms of weight.  If you are careful to burn fat and nothing else (optimal because the body fights back when other elements of the body are threatened), you will release as much as your body can process.  The process of burning fat is quite complicated, and doesn’t happen as efficiently as burning some butter on your stove – misunderstanding this is a big reason most people never achieve permanent weight loss.

The Scale Can't Tell What's Going on Inside the Body

Did you know that, if you could burn one pound of fat in a day (and you can’t), it would take
