I just returned from a week away to the news that British soul/jazz singer Amy Winehouse has died. Winehouse, who struggled with drug and alcohol addiction in the public eye while trying to maintain her career, was 27.


We seem inundated with addiction issues these days. Drugs. Alcohol. Food. Nicotine. Drama. Sex. Spending.

Artists, creatives and other sensitive personalities are often engaged in addictive behaviors, so it is no surprise many of my coaching clients fall into these categories. It’s tough to be gifted or sensitive in our society, which focuses on norms and achievement over nurturing and meaning. Addiction is a big bully, often continuing the role of the school yard bully years after we’ve grown beyond our school days.

I’ve written before about how addiction can waste precious gifts and talents (see the post on Elizabeth Taylor).

We could talk forever about the roots of Amy Winehouse’s addiction, and the way society enables and ostracizes and bullies the addict. But, in one of the stories announcing her death, I came across a heartbreaking quote that summed it up for me.

“I had writer’s block for so long,” she said in 2007. “And as a writer, your self-worth is literally based on the last thing you wrote…”

To me, that sums up the essence of her struggle. When we base our self-worth on ANYTHING outside ourselves, we’re doomed. Doomed to live a life of judgment, comparison and self-cruelty.

It’s easy for us to see her enormous talent and her self-worth as entirely separate from her last song, the performance of her last album on the charts, or what the critics might say. It’s easy for us to see her worthiness.

But she couldn’t.

Her death, however, can be seen as a gift if it “wakes us up” to what our addictions might be wasting. Do you have talents you are hiding? Are there risks you are avoiding? Was the world’s reaction to your latest endeavor less enthusiastic than you’d like? Are you going to let the world, or anything outside you, bully you into feeling less than enthusiastic about sharing your talents with the world?

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