Two Keys to Permanent Weight Loss

My two favorite things are change and commitment.  It wasn’t always that way.  In fact, I’m laughing out loud as I write those words.

Before I learned what it took to alter my weight permanently, change felt really scary and even threatening.  I never committed to anything.  Oh, I said it did, but I wasn’t reaching any of my goals, so now I know I wasn’t committed to anything.

In those days, I usually decided to diet in the evening, after eating too much all day, and, by 10 a.m., I’d have blown my diet.  Every day began with hope and ended in regret.







I liked to gather all my willpower for the latest fad diet, then lose 10 lbs and regain 15.

I studied books, diets and nutrition advice, then wonder why they didn’t work long-term.

I used various food avoidance behaviors, sometimes going most of the day without food, then binging at night.


Compare That!

One of the primary reasons the American woman’s body image is distorted is the virtual lack of REAL role models in our society.

Most of our role models come from the fashion industry and Hollywood films.  If we only viewed French or Italian films, we’d see a wide range of sizes, shapes and ages among the actresses looming on the big screen.  (We’d also see less cookie cutter beauty and much more interesting types of beauty.)

But, time after time, I find myself watching an American movie and wondering “Why does she have to be so thin?”

She looked like this, primarily due to bulimia.

What We’re Comparing Against Example 1: Boomer women are reeling over Jane Fonda’s admission that she was bulimic when she starred in Hollywood films and exercise videos of the 70s.  Nice of her to admit it now, I guess, but millions of women did those stupid videos until they were blue in the face and then beat themselves all the way to the bakery because they didn’t wind up looking like her.

What We’re Comparing Against Example 2: Actresses in two current hit films have admitted using body doubles in their nude scenes.


I’m So Over Food

A few weeks ago, my husband offered to go out for ice cream after dinner. He rarely wants dessert. In fact, I used to be the one sending him out for ice cream.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Ummmm, nothing.”

“Really?” he said. “I’ll get your favorite. Coffee.”

Don’t you just love it when someone pushes food at you?

No! I don't want any!

No! I don't want any!

(But, actually, I’m pretty impressed he knows my favorite, so I considered it a moment.)

Convenient Fat

What could we accomplish if we didn’t struggle with fat, diets, calories and food?

Isn’t it just a little convenient that we’re too tied up worrying about fitting into our jeans to wonder what Congress is sneaking into that healthcare bill?

Isn’t it convenient that we’re so worried about keeping our jobs that we bend over backwards to please the man at work and, as a result, try to eat stress away?


Once, I heard a Human Resources vice president say, “If you want someone to work their ass off for you, hire a fat woman….”

Redefining Stress

Whew! Last week was wild! I came back from a short vacation with a big goal in front of me – the release of my new audio class on CD.

In the past, an event like this, which brings a certain amount of deadline pressure, has served as an excuse to go unconscious for me. I wouldn’t say I binged over this kind of stress. That hasn’t been an option for a long time.

The Hard Cold Truth about Permanent Weight Loss Audio Course

The Hard Cold Truth about Permanent Weight Loss Audio Course

But, even if binging is an impossible reaction, controlling food and using it to help control stress…