Losing Weight Permanently and Four Letter Words

So much of my journey through food addiction and back to my true self has involved four letter words.  At first, they described my dilemma:


Then, as I faced myself, they grew profane:

Junk (food)

I got down on myself:


Holiday Weight Gain: What Excuse Are You Making Up?

The holiday season is in full swing!  Even if I never saw a house filled with lights, or the Christmas Tree in front of the mall, I would know it was December because my clients’ anxiety levels are rising!  For anyone trying to lose weight, holidays pose more challenges than navigating the line at the Apple store when the latest iPhone is released.

But there’s one way to make holidays easier.  And it doesn’t have anything to do with those silly tips you read in fitness magazines that teach you to CONTROL YOURSELF and CONTROL FOOD.  Like that worked, right?

Holiday weight gain doesn’t have to happen. The easiest way to have a fabulous holiday season and,  incidentally, perhaps change your life, is to examine and STOP making up stories about the holidays and notice how encourages changing habits and behavior with food.


Ten MORE Very Important Things to STOP if You Want Permanent Weight Loss (#21-30)

Permanent weight loss is what we want, even if we’re heavily invested in temporary weight loss via diets.  We all think a diet will get us there – despite study after study indicating 99 percent of dieters regain their weight and every diet adds a few extra pounds too.

Why do we live in such DENIAL (read: Don’t Even Notice I Am Lying)?  Because, if we believe the diet will fix the weight, we don’t have to take responsibility and fix US (or the underlying behaviors).

In my last two posts, we explored twenty things to STOP in order to achieve permanent weight loss.  Now, here are 10 more very important steps to further your progress towards permanent weight loss.  These are challenges that commonly show up for my weight loss clients and I hope revealing these challenges will make your weight loss easier and more direct.  It’s a virtual blueprint to permanent weight loss!

This is Part 3 of a 5-Part Series – So, check back for subsequent posts!  Or subscribe!  You can now sign up at the right of this post to receive new posts via email notification too!

21.  Stop making excuses – Excuses link us to victim status and there are a million and one excuses for everything.  But the old saying “You can’t have reasons and results” is absolutely true.  It doesn’t matter if grandma Mabel made your favorite cookies or your BFF (“friend” – really?) decided to surprise you with a mojito and shots happy hour, the moment we start excusing destructive behavior with well-thought-out and perfectly reasonable reasons, we lose the power of owning every choice.  Weight is lost permanently when we step up and truly own every choice. (more…)

10 MORE Things to STOP if You Want Permanent Weight Loss (#11-20)

Oh, if only a great big stop sign showed up BEFORE we committed some of the actions that destroy our progress towards permanent weight loss!

In my last post, we explored ten things to STOP in order to achieve permanent weight loss.  Now, here are 10 more very important steps to further your progress towards permanent weight loss.  These are challenges that commonly show up for my weight loss clients and I hope revealing these challenges will make your weight loss easier and more direct.  It’s a virtual blueprint to permanent weight loss!

This is Part 2 of a 5-Part Series – So, check back for subsequent posts!  Or subscribe!  You can now sign up at the right of this post to receive new posts via email notification too!

11.  Stop ignoring energy – The need for food is a need for energy.  Food is fuel which creates energy.  Notice, I did not say “the desire for food” – I said “need” – that is different!  We need food for energy and hunger is the cue.  So, in order to be in touch with the actual need for food, and fuel our bodies well, we’ve got to be in the business of noticing energy needs.  Learning your body’s unique cues and messages is key to long-term success at managing weight. (more…)

Ten Things to STOP if You Want Permanent Weight Loss (#1-10)

Excess weight is created by over-reliance on food – we often use food as caretaker, parent, therapist, mood-elevator, motivator, punisher, etc.  Losing weight permanently requires changing our negative behaviors with food as well as our relationship with food.

Since 2001, I’ve worked with thousands of amazing folks to help them achieve permanent weight loss, and I’ve noticed many similarities in the challenges they confronted in order to make change.  It’s no surprise, these challenges parallel the changes I made as I lost over 90 pounds permanently.

I believe revealing these challenges will make your weight loss easier and more direct.  It’s a virtual blueprint to permanent weight loss!

This is Part 1 of a 5-Part Series – So, check back for subsequent posts!  Or subscribe!  You can now sign up at the right of this post to receive new posts via email notification too!

  1. Stop dieting – Dieting is a false imposition of a food plan; it’s deprivation on every level.  It is long proven that 99% of dieters regain and, when they regain, they regain 107% of the weight that was lost.  Clearly, there are better ways to get the change you want. (more…)