A few weeks ago, my husband offered to go out for ice cream after dinner. He rarely wants dessert. In fact, I used to be the one sending him out for ice cream.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Ummmm, nothing.”

“Really?” he said. “I’ll get your favorite. Coffee.”

Don’t you just love it when someone pushes food at you?

No! I don't want any!

No! I don't want any!

(But, actually, I’m pretty impressed he knows my favorite, so I considered it a moment.)

“No, I don’t want anything. Thanks.”

And that was that. He went to get ice cream. He enjoyed his rare treat.

This week was my son’s 18th birthday. I made him a cake – homemade, chocolate, non-gluten. It was very good. We had some with friends on his birthday. Then, it sat in the kitchen for two days. When I realized it was starting to look a little wilted and no one wanted any more, I threw it out.

When events like these happen, it reminds me how my attitude about food has changed over the past few years, and continues to change. There was a time when I was begging my husband to go out of ice cream. Almost nightly! There was a time when no leftover dessert or birthday cake was safe from me. I thought I’d always live a foodcentric life and be addicted to food.

But I’ve moved on. It’s just food, after all.

I’m so over food.

There was a time when I thought I’d always be obsessed with food, and always be overweight and unhappy. In the moment, feeling such desperate emotions, it’s easy to think it’ll be the same forever.

But never make assumptions. With effort, things can change for the positive. And you might think you can imagine being over food, but it’s even better than you can imagine.

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